Hotel Hotel was a hotel in Canberra made and operated by creative production house, MOLONGLO from November 2013 to March 2018. The place remains and is now being run by OVOLO.
If you came here looking to book a room please go here or an apartment here.
We at Molonglo meant this place to be more than just a physical place. At first, it was an experiment in how to create a meaningful project in collaboration with many – with designers, artists, artisans and fantasists. A project that veered away from mass production and celebrated the plurality that comes about with ideas from many minds negotiating a common understanding of things.

Lights at Monster. Shot by Will Neill.

Nishi shot by Tom Roe.
Once it was built, the experiment continued with our investigation into how this place could act as a civic space; how the boundaries of consumption and social engagement could be blurred; and how public and private spheres could merge.
These experiments in production and activation were laden with good intentions and continuously topped up and reshaped by our many collaborators. Each one has been fuelled by our collective belief that art, culture and design can connect us to each other and make our lives better.
Abbas Galwani
Abigail Varney
Adam Coombs
Adam Goodrum
Adam Železný
Adriano Rosselli
Al Stark
Alana Wilson
Alfio Bonnano
Alison Coates
Alison Jackson
Alyssa McClelland
Amos Enders-Moje
Amy Coombs
Andrea Bandoni
Andrew Simpson
Angélique Peretto
Anika Ramholdt
Anita Patel
Anna Varendorff
Anna Willi Highfield
Anne Brennan
Annie Wu
ANU School of Art Glass Workshop
Arnad Hajdic
Arvind Gupta
Asefe Zeinalabedini
Assemble Papers
Australian National Botanical Gardens
Avi Amesbury
Axel Moline
Barbara Gilby
Barbara Jane Gilby
Barrie Barton
Bartolomeo Celestino
Beci Orpin
Ben Blakebrough
Benja Harney
Benny Chops
Blue Gum School
Bob Barton
Bob Earl
Bree Claffey
Brett Boardman
Bridget Bodenham
Bruce Jeffreys
Canberra Symphony Orchestra
CBD Contracting
Cecila Fox
Chantelle Kirby
Charles Wilson
Charlie Lawler
Charlie White
Cheng Fei
Chris Barton
Chrystal Rimmer
Claire Johnson
Coco and Max
Corr Blimey
Craig Scott
Craig Tan
Dale Hardiman
Dan Flatt
Dan Honey
Dan O'Day
Dan Rule
Daniel Eatock
Daniel Emma
Dave Teer
David Aarons
David Lancashire
David Pereira
David Suckling
Dawn Press
Dear Plastic
Deep in the Woods
Dermot AsIs Sha’Non
Design Office
Dianna Snape
Don Cameron
Dove Drury Hornbuckle
Dr Pascal Molenberghs
Dylan Martorell
Earl Carter
Edward King
Edwin Odermatt
Elbow Wrkshp
Elise Cakebread
Elliat Rich
Emily Sexton
Emma McRae
Emma Telfer
Enrico Taglietti
Eric Ahlfors
Erieta Attali
Eugene Ughetti
Fender Katsalidis
Field Experiments
Fleur Watson
Franchesca Cubillo
Genevieve Jacobs
George Raftopoulos
George Xylouris
Gerard Havekes
Gianmatteo Romegialli
Giorgia Mocilnik
Glen Probstel
Gordon Smith
Grimes and Sons
Grown and Gathered
Guy Keulemans
Halie Rubenis
Hardy Lohse
Harriet Goodall
Heath Killen
Helen and Dennis Smith
Helle Jorgensen
Henry Wilson
Hiroko Takeda
Honey FIngers
Ishan Khosla
Jack Chenoweth
Jacoba Van Lith
Jacqui Fink
Jacquie Bradley
Jad Choucair
Jahnne Pasco White
Jai Tongbor
Jake Bonin
Jake Weisz
James B. Young
James Bichard
James Shaw
James Walsh
Jayden Goodrem
Jeremy Lepisto
Jesse Marlow
Jessica Tremp
Jim White
John Arvanitis
John Gollings
John McPhee
John Wardle
John Wardle Architects
Johnathan Efkarpidis
Judy Natal
Julian Watts
Kara Rosenlund
Karen McCartney
Karina Palomita
Kate Hill
Kate Rohde
Keiko Narahashi
Ken Neale
Kenny Yong Soo Son
Kevin Biliau
Kevina-Jo Smith
Kiri Sollis
Kirsten Perry
Kristoffer Paulsen
Kyoko Hashimoto
Kyran Wheatley
Latai Taumoepeau
Lee Grant
Lentil Purbrick
Liam Gilmour
Liam Mugavin
Lisa Sorgini
Liz Pertile
Loose Leaf
Lou Weis
Louis Berczi
Louisa de Smet
Luc D’Hanis
Lucy Carrigy-Ryan
Lucy Cowcher Guthrie
Lucy McRae
Luke Chiswell
Lynnette Griffiths
Madeleine Mills
Makoto Tanijiri
Manila Folder
Marcel and Dirk
March Studio
Marjan Van Aubel
Mark Paine
Martino Gamper
Martyn Thompson
Matt Purbrick
Matt Vines
Matt Wilkinson
Matthias Schack-Arnott
Maurice Golotta
Max Creasy
Mel Katsalidis
Meriel Owen
Michael Cammack
Michael Gray
Michael Kucyk
Michaela Coventry
Michaela Whitehouse
Mike Thompson
Mike Whitney
Monique van Nieuwland
Mr Finch
Mr Kitly
Myffy Rigby
Naomi Ota
Naomi Taplin
Natalie Masli
Nectar Efkarpidis
NewSouth Publishing
Nic Dowse
Nicholas Ashby
Nicholas Jones
Nick Glasson
Nicole Short
Niklavs Rubenis
Nikos Kalogeropoulos
Nina Gbor
Noise in My Head
Nur Shkembi
PAM Studio
Pan After
Patrick Suther
Paul Brough
Paul Fuog
Peachey & Mosig
Perimeter Books
Peter Bennett
Peter Hyatt
Peter Kennedy
Phill Rushby
Phoebe Munro
Pierre Jeanneret
Pip Thompson
Professor Mike Kyrios
Prue Stent
Rachel Elliot-Jones
Raphael Kilpatrick
Rebecca Hawcroft
Rebecca Roke
René Mancuso
Rhys Nicholson
Richard Goodwin
Richard Whiteley
Rik Meijers
RMIT Design Hub
Robert Gordon
Rohan Nicol
Rohan Thompson
Rosanna Stevens
Ross Honeysett
Russel Koskela
Sabine Timm
Sacha Pola
Sally Blake
Sam Johnson
Sam Noonan
Sarah Asis Sha’non
Sarah K
Sarah Trotter
Sarah Zhu
Saskia Havekes
Scott Mitchell
Scottie Cameron
Sean McConnell
Shannon McGrath
Sharyn Cairns
Simon Hasan
Skye Kelly
Sofie Lachaert
Soft Baroque
Speak Percussion
Stéph Donse
Stephanie Poole
Steve Feletti
Steven Siegel
Steven Wright
Stuart Harris
Susana Cámara Leret
Susannah Bourke
Suzan Dlouhy
Suzi McKinnon
Tegan Peemoeller
The Shabbab
Thomas Thwaites
Thought Collider
Tilman Robinson
Tim Meyen
Tim Silverwood
Tin and Ed
Tom Roe
Tom Skeehan
Tor Fromyhr
Tracey Deep
Tracey Muirhead
Tracy Atherton
Trent Jansen
Trevor Mein
Tyronne Bell
Uriah Gray
Valerie Kirk
Valerie Restarick
Vesna Cvjeticanin
Vic McEwan
Warwick Baker
Will Neill
William Yang
Wona Bae
Woodcraft Mobiliar
Xavier Connelly
Xylouris White
Yutaka Ohtaki
Hotel Hotel
Hotel Hotel and its many manifestations will continue to live on in different forms with our continued interrogation of domesticity and the resonance of place and belonging. We currently have offices and active projects in Canberra, Melbourne, London and Athens.
Our latest project
Our latest project, ‘Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas’, will take place at Melbourne Design Week. It brings our project collaborators Stephanie Macdonald, from London-based 6a architects, and Sofia von Ellrichshausen, from Chilean art and architecture studio Pezo von Ellrichshausen, to Australia to take part in a symposium on tall buildings and to deliver keynote lectures. Melbourne Design Week is an initiative of the Victorian Government in collaboration with the National Gallery of Victoria. It runs from 15 to 25 March, 2018.

Poli House, Pezo von Ellrichshausen. Image by Pezo von Ellrichshausen.
Join Us
If you’d like us at Molonglo to check in with you from time to time on thoughts and projects let us know.