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Monster Kitchen and Bar Open! Book
Hotel Hotel Wednesday 19:31 PM

NewActon East courtyard

Wine Week Party Launch

Eighteen wineries are bringing their wines to launch Canberra District Wine Week.

Summerhill Road, Dionysus, Murrumbateman Winery, Kerralee, Mount Majura, Three Lads, Barton Estate, Sapling Yard, Collector, Eden Road, Gallagher, Tallagandra Hill, Pankhurst, Gundog Estate, Capital Wines, Lark Hill, Shaw and McKeller Ridge.


WhenSaturday 1 April from 2PM to 5PM
WhereNewActon East courtyard (outside A.Baker)
Cost$20 for a glass and unlimited samples

It’s best to double check that events are happening – sometimes things don’t go to plan.
“Stercus accidit.” — David Hume.