Al Stark has worked on lots of aspects of Hotel Hotel. From the conceptual to the physical.
Corporate fashion, how gas stations might reflect what is going on in society, landfills, shooting ranges and intergalactic battles.
Photographers that catch nature in different ways.
Ken Neale has an encyclopedic mind on all 20th century classic design matters… And a wonderful but unexplainable understanding of how objects should be assembled.
Books with photos of contemporary landscapes and the mundane and remarkable ways that people make use of them, build them up, and destroy them.
Don Cameron has helped curate many of the spaces at Hotel Hotel. His method is one of staging for meaningful experience.
Meet Bob Earl of Oculus, a think tank/design studio/landscape architecture studio/lots of other things. In addition to all these hats Bob is a self-confessed chocolate slut from Queens.
Lou Weis is the kind of guy you meet at a party and start a really interesting conversation with that forces you to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom every ten minutes.
Brothers Johnathan and Nectar Efkarpidis are the founders of Hotel Hotel.